Saturday, December 29, 2007
A BIG Thank You
Rocket Boys
Three cold kids, anxiously awaiting the launch.
Rocket #1, the smaller of the two.
Nathan, ready to launch the first rocket.
Rocket #2, the largest, soon to be lost rocket (could we have asked for a prettier day?)
Alex, ready to launch the second rocket.
Christmas 2007
Despite the craziness this year, we did have a wonderful Christmas. We had our annual Christmas get-together with our very good friends from down the street. There was food and drink and presents - but most of all there were friends spending quality time together and making Christmas memories. It was the perfect evening!
After opening gifts - what a mess! :)
We made lots and lots of cookies! The most enjoyable ones to make, of course, were the ones the kids and I made together - the special iced sugar cookies we always leave out for Santa. Alex and Nathan had so much fun decorating the cookies... Alex especially enjoyed smearing lots and lots of icing and adding handfulls of sprinkles and mini-chocolate chips. His were some delicious, sure-to-change-your-figure, cookies! Amy only helped decorate one cookie, which she quickly ate.
It's a messy job, but someone's gotta do it!
We spent Christmas Eve at my parents house celebrating with my family. It was a day spent eating and hanging out together. One of my favorite things about Christmas each year is this day with my family. I so enjoy just being with each other. My family puts out luminarias each year as part of their neighborhoods' tradition. The kids were a big help this year, setting the sand-filled bags out and carefully placing a candle in each one. They were so excited when the time came to finally light the candles! In years past, we have always piled into the back of my dad's truck and driven around the neighborhood to look at the lights and all of the lit up luminarias. But this year we were all too worn out. Time got away from us and it was late by the time we'd reached a point where we could go light-looking. We went ahead and left for home instead, but still took the time to drive around just for a little while - long enough for a couple of our younger family members to fall asleep. And of course, the rest of the night was quite busy!
All the little cousins
Reading The Night Before Christmas, once all was peaceful again
Chistmas morning was magnificent as always. My parents came over early before the kids were up. I think Alex brightened their morning when he came down and happily greeted them before even noting what Santa had brought him. Of course, it didn't take long before he did notice! I just love to watch the kids go through their stockings and open up all of their of goodies. We had a hard time getting Amy to open up anything besides pieces of candy, though! She so enjoyed her chocolate! When everything had been opened, breakfast consumed and the last Advent candle lit, we dressed and headed over to my sister's house for Christmas lunch. We had a wonderful time there. I have to say though... There is such a think as over-eating, especially when it comes to cookies and various sweets. I think I know what one of my New Year's Resolutions needs to be! And I may need to slow those kiddos down a tad, too!
It amazes me how quickly it all goes, but Christmas is still such an amazing time. And why shouldn't it be? I am so very blessed, but I know that no matter how many presents we receive or are able to give, no matter whether we have lots to eat or nothing to eat at all, whether we spend it with family and friends or all alone.... it's still Christmas, the day our beloved Jesus Christ was born to save us all. I think no matter what circumstances you find yourself in or how busy and hectic your schedule is from one year to the next, it is still a time to be joyful and glad and celebrate in all you do. I'm going to try my best to remember that next year when I find myself caught up, once again, in my long to-do list.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Lord, this is my prayer
Not only on Christmas Day
But until I see You face to face
May I live my life this way:
Just like the baby Jesus
I ever hope to be,
Resting in Your loving arms
Trusting in Your sovereignty.
And like the growing Christ child
In wisdom daily learning,
May I ever seek to know You
With my mind and spirit yearning.
Like the Son so faithful
Let me follow in Your light,
Meek and bold, humble and strong
Not afraid to face the night.
Nor cowardly to suffer
And stand for truth alone,
Knowing that Your kingdom
Awaits my going home.
Not afraid to sacrifice
Though great may be the cost,
Mindful how You rescued me
From broken-hearted loss.
Like my risen Savior
The babe, the child, the Son,
May my life forever speak
Of who You are and all You've done.
So while this world rejoices
And celebrates Your birth,
I treasure You, the greatest gift
Unequaled in Your worth.
I long to hear the same words
That welcomed home Your Son,
"Come, good and faithful servant,"
Your Master says, "Well done."
And may heaven welcome others
Who will join with me in praise
Because I lived for Jesus Christ
Not only Christmas Day
-- Mary Fairchild
Wishing your family a blessed Christmas day!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
God is Good
On Monday, I lost my college ring. I have been so depressed since losing it. I couldn't imagine where it had gone. I was almost positive I'd put it on that morning, but had no idea at what point I had lost it. I didn't notice it missing until I' d gone to remove my rings that afternoon. I frantically searched the house for the remainder of the afternoon and even called the grocery store and Alex's school where we'd been earlier that day. When Bill called on his way home from work, I'd been crying and he could tell something was wrong. So after I told him about not being able to find my ring, he offered to go by the grocery store and look for it. And though it was getting dark by that point, he lovingly searched the store parking lot in addition to the store itself. But no luck.
Tuesday I did more searching of the house and racking my brain to try and remember when and where it could have been lost. I started wondering if I'd even put it on Monday. Maybe it'd been missing longer and I'd just never noticed it. I called the church to see if I'd lost it there on Sunday; I emailed my sister-in-law who lives across town because we'd been to their house on Saturday. Again, no luck.
Wednesday, the kids and I went out and retraced our steps from Monday. We went to the school where Alex has speech and searched the parking lot, the school and asked again at the front desk. Nothing. We went to the store where we searched the parking lot, the aisles, some of the shelves where I remember rummaging through food items, and finally asked again at the customer service desk. Nothing. I went home feeling empty and without hope of ever finding it again.
I talked with my mom today and she reminded me that at least it is replaceable. It wouldn't be cheap and of course, it wouldn't be quite the same, but I could have another one made. I felt better after our conversation, though I still couldn't help feeling that nagging desire to know what happened to my ring. I've had a relatively normal afternoon, still doing the occasional checking for my ring when a possible location would come to mind. But all in all, I've tried not to think on it too much. And then....
A little while ago, I realized Amy was in need of a diaper change. So, I went and got her a diaper and the wipes and popped open the wipes container to change her. When I pulled out a couple of wipes in preparation, there it was. I know on Monday I had put a new package of wipes in the container, and interestingly enough, I had thought of checking there and in the bag the new wipes had come out of, but did not see it when doing my check. And I've even been using this container of wipes all this time!!! I guess somehow it had gotten caught up in the wipes and I just never could see it or feel it until today at this particular daiper changing.
So as selfish and trivial as my prayer may have been, God mercifully let me find this simple material object that means so much to me. God is good!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Long Time No Blog
I also had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled the first week in December and that has put me out of commission for the last week and a half. I've made a vow that as soon as my children's wisdom teeth begin to make their appearance, I will be asking their dentist if it's time to have them pulled! Never, never wait until in your 30's to have them out!!!
But I am doing better now and attempting to get us back on some kind of normal routine again, especially with homeschooling. I have managed to get through Alex's workbook activities each day, but we haven't had any of the other enrichment lessons to go along with it. I haven't even been able to read to them! And I was so looking forward to doing lots of Christmas activities together, the Jesse Tree in particular. I had it all planned out, even the small tree we would use to hang our daily ornaments on. But it never happened.
So now we will just salvage what we can of this holiday season. Today after we do our lessons we will do a couple of Christmas crafts and then bake cookies. And I hope to resume our Tea Time again today, which will yield the perfect opportunity to read one of the many Christmas books I've been wanting to read to the kids.
I promise I will try and post more now that things are returning to normal... Maybe not daily, but hopefully every other day or so. Hopefully.... :)