Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Long Time No Blog

It's been quite awhile since I blogged. I can't believe I haven't posted anything since Nathan's birthday! I had at least planned to post about our wonderful Thanksgiving, but I guess we just got a little too busy around here.

I also had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled the first week in December and that has put me out of commission for the last week and a half. I've made a vow that as soon as my children's wisdom teeth begin to make their appearance, I will be asking their dentist if it's time to have them pulled! Never, never wait until in your 30's to have them out!!!

But I am doing better now and attempting to get us back on some kind of normal routine again, especially with homeschooling. I have managed to get through Alex's workbook activities each day, but we haven't had any of the other enrichment lessons to go along with it. I haven't even been able to read to them! And I was so looking forward to doing lots of Christmas activities together, the Jesse Tree in particular. I had it all planned out, even the small tree we would use to hang our daily ornaments on. But it never happened.

So now we will just salvage what we can of this holiday season. Today after we do our lessons we will do a couple of Christmas crafts and then bake cookies. And I hope to resume our Tea Time again today, which will yield the perfect opportunity to read one of the many Christmas books I've been wanting to read to the kids.

I promise I will try and post more now that things are returning to normal... Maybe not daily, but hopefully every other day or so. Hopefully.... :)

1 comment:

Crafty Mom said...

So glad to see you are back and sorry about the teeth.

Mine were out at 15 and I can honestly say I was fine the next day.

We haven't been doing all the things we wanted to for Christmas and school either but that comes with the territory when you or the kids are ill.

Hope to hear more from you soon.