Sunday, November 02, 2008

In the Blink of an Eye...

You became 3 years old.

A blink of an eye... that's how it feels. I remember bringing you home from the hospital in your lovely white gown. You were so tiny and sweet. Before we knew it, you were smiling and jabbering, crawling and climbing, walking and talking... You potty-trained all by yourself at 2. We've joked in recent months that you were 2 going on 5. How quickly you've gone from our baby girl to our big, "I can do it all by myself" girl. You bring us joy each and every day and bless us in so many ways. We love you so very much. Happy 3rd Birthday, Amy!!!

Amy, home from the hospital

On her first birthday

On her second birthday
Today, 3 years old

We've all been battling illness this week, including Amy who was still running fever yesterday. Unfortunately, November is too busy of a month to reschedule, so the party went on. Thankfully, Amy woke feverless and had a wonderful day as we celebrated her birthday. God even served up beautiful weather for our little girl's special day. Even though we were missing some special friends (you know who you are :) ) and all feeling a little under the weather, it was a wonderful day at home with family.

Pink roses from Daddy
A ballerina birthday, including a small personal cake for one sick birthday girl!
Happy birthday, Baby Angel - We love you!

1 comment:

Celeste Creates said...

We missed being with you all! Happy Birthday sweet girl! I have a present for you that Nicole picked out all by herself. We'll see you soon! Get well everyone!