Monday, March 30, 2009

A First for Alex

Alex had his first trip to the emergency room on Friday afternoon. We were baking a cake and he was spinning around in the kitchen when he slipped and landed chin first on our tile floor. He hit really hard and ended up splitting his chin open. Sorry. That sounds awful! And it looked pretty bad, too. Bill came home and after a call to the pediatrician, Bill and Alex were on their way in for a checkup and more than likely, a "glued" chin. Or so we thought. Our pediatrician decided the wound was too deep and in too difficult a place to be glued/taped, so she sent them to the emergency room for stitches. Thankfully, the nurses and doctors at the ER were wonderful to Alex and made the experience not so unpleasant. And the best part - he didn't need stitches afterall!!! The ER pediatrician said gluing it would be good enough. Hallelujah! We were told he shouldn't be very active for a couple of days, which meant no baseball game on Saturday. But as luck would have it, the game was canceled due to rain, so he didn't even have to miss his first baseball game of the season.

Alex is doing great and hasn't even complained once about his chin hurting since he left for the doctor's on Friday. He's one tough kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are lucky. by the time bill was alex age he had more scars than frankenstien. of course he thought he was Evil Kenevil. dad