Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Little Hi-5 Fan

All of my children have taken to television differently. When Alex was really little, he wasn't that interested in it at all. After awhile, he would at least watch Veggie Tales, but that was pretty much it. Now of course he'll watch just about anything. Nathan did not like anything when he was really little. He'd look at the television briefly and then be on his way. It took him forever to really get into anything particular. By his second birthday he appeared to like Elmo okay, and by his third birthday he seemed to like Blues Clues quite a bit. Now he's really into Caillou. His interest in television was gradual. And I'm not complaining. I really don't think it's healthy for them to watch too much television, but I like for them to have an interest in something so that I can do the unthinkable - let the TV babysit for a moment while I get dinner ready, or nurse Amy, etc. And I try to keep the shows educational so that they are at least learning something while being entertained.

Along comes Amy. Amy loves television. The length of her sitting and viewing any particular show has always been short, and yet she's always shown an interest. In the last week, however, we have discovered a show she really likes - something she will sit and watch in it's entirity. We have a DVD called Ready, Set, Learn and we have no idea where we got it (my apologies if it was a gift!). I've recently learned that The Learning Channel and Discovery Kids airs a grouping of programs each morning which they call "Ready, Set, Learn". We don't have cable, so this is not something we would know about. One of the shows is called Hi-5 and Amy adores it. I caught her the other day sitting on Nathan's toolbox at the coffee table with her water cup, just mesmerized by the five talented people of Hi-5. She was so cute to watch. I just purchased one of their music CD's so she could listen to the music in the car or at home; when a familiar song comes on, she'll just smile and start bouncing to the music. Too cute for words!


Crafty Mom said...

Too funny!! Katie has an interest in Hi-5, mainly because it is on before her one opportunity to watch The Magic Schoolbus. She loves the dancing and singing, and I will find her dancing around the room for the 5 minutes it is on before her show.

I like limiting the amount of TV they watch, so she gets Magic Schoolbus in the morning while I shower, Nick gets Wonder Pets in the afternoon while I make dinner, and some nights we will watch a movie after bathtime.

Anonymous said...

Your blog came up in a Google search for Hi-5. I love to read about other kids enjoying my children's favorite show.

Have you checked out and There are also several YahooGroups where parents of young Hi-5 fans exchange info about concerts, merchandise, etc.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about the Hi-5 myspace too!