Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Child MeMe

I was tagged to do this fun MeMe about not me, but my children. So here it goes!

Age: 4 years 11 months
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Foods: chocolate ice cream, fruit snacks, apples, carrots, waffles, pizza, chicken nuggets, any kind of bread, cotton candy, and just about anything chocolate.
Favorite Things to Do: draw and cut out, play superheroes, work puzzles, do any kind of arts and crafts, play outside, and watch cartoons.
Favorite Sports: Baseball
Favorite Toys: action figures, especially of the superhero type, transformers, legos, and blocks.
Favorite TV Show: "I like PowerRangers" (note from mom: he's never even seen them).

Favorite Movie: Toy Story
Favorite Books: Currently, anything about pirates.
Things to Remember: I am very creative and can draw and cut out just about anything I might want to play with, whether it's action heroes or my own superhero costume. I am very outgoing and try to make friends with everyone I meet. When I smile, my eyes sparkle and my whole face lights up. I am very bright and have always had the need to know how everything works. I am affectionate and love my family very much. My brother and I love to play together, even though we do fight. I also love my baby sister and give her lots of hugs.

Age: 3 years 5 months
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Foods: fruit snacks, strawberries, oranges, drinkable yogurts, orange juice, Sprite, any kind of candy (except marshmallows), hot dogs, pizza, and just about anything you put in front of me.
Favorite Things to Do: play outside, pretend with Alex, ride cars with Amy, jump off the couch and coffee table, do tuck'n'rolls, and play basketball.
Favorite Sports: all of them, but mostly basketball
Favorite Toys: tools, balls, playfood, blocks and cars
Favorite TV Show: Caillou and Curious George
Favorite Movie: Curious George
Favorite Books: books about building things and Dora and Diego books
Things to Remember: I have more energy than I know what to do with and spend much of my day running and jumping. I love ladders and will climb one if it's there. I'm a big helper and especially like to get Shelby her food. I love to play with Alex and Amy. Alex and I pretend to be pirates, superheros, and whatever else we feel like. And Amy and I chase each other and make each other laugh. I can be very silly at times. I love to climb on Daddy and anything else Mommy lets me. I also love to cuddle and be held. I have yet to lose all my baby features, so I can still work people with my sweet smile and puppy dog eyes.

Age: 1 year 5-1/2 months
Favorite Color: pink and purple
Favorite Foods: pancakes, drinkable yogurts, cheese, grapes, strawberries, Gerber apples and ham/chicken, sweet potatoes, fruit snacks, and cheese pizza
Favorite Things to Do: play outside, ride my Little Mermaid car, listen to music, watch Hi-5, climb into my highchair, play with Shelby, and play with my brothers.
Favorite Sports: Anything involving a ball
Favorite Toys: Balls, Kitty, plastic cups, and whatever my brothers are playing with.
Favorite TV Show: Hi-5 and Caillou
Favorite Movie: Hi-5 Move Your Body
Favorite Books: I love to look at any book, but I still won't sit and be read to!
Things to Remember: I have such a funny personality and am so much fun to be around. I smile most of the time, and my big toothy grin is so cute! My vocabulary is incredible (at least, in the opinion of my parents :) ) ; I even say my please and thank-you's! But as precious as I am, I have a temper like no other, so don't get on my bad side! I love to talk to people, but I still like for them to keep their distance. I give lots of hugs and kisses and I light up when I see my brothers or my dog Shelby. Oh, and did I mention that I have my mommy and daddy wrapped tightly around my little finger?


Crafty Mom said...

It's funny the things you think of as you go through this. Glad to see another Dora-loving boy out there. And the description of Amy is great. You would never think that smiley face could have a temper.

Crafty Mom said...

Sorry, I meant jump-loving boy. I have Dora on the brain at the moment. Could it be the pre-dinner video of Dora secretly infiltrating my every thought??