Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Busy Life

Here I thought my life was already busy, but I guess I didn't know the half of it! Tonight, we began a new phase in our lives... sports. Nathan had his first Mini-Tee Ball practice. And next week, Alex starts his Tee Ball practices. I never realized how seriously these people take tee ball, but both boys practice two nights a week. Alex practices for one hour each night. Nathan practices for TWO hours each night. Yes, I did say two hours. Both happen on the same nights. Both happen during the same time frame. Both are at separate fields. What a crazy schedule we are going to have starting next week! And poor Amy. Her one activity also happens to fall on one of those nights. And since there are only two adults to cart them to these three different activities that all occur at the same time each at different locations, we will have to reschedule Amy's Little Gym.

Yes, life just got even busier...


Celeste Creates said...

Oh, Lord! I can't believe it! If I see you running up and down the street screaming like a mad raving lunatic, I know why! And why does a four year old in mini tee ball need that much PRACTICE????? It's tee ball for heaven's sake! Sorry! It just strikes me as hilarious that he will be practicing mroe than Alex! And, you know, as well as I that boy needs no hitting practice. He hits better than many kids OLDER than him. Crazy. I'll be praying!

He who wears the most black wins. said...

Whoa, girl! I hope you have a diet coke in hand so you can make it through. I'm exhausted just reading about it!

That is quite cute about the two hour practice. It's T-ball! ;)