Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Change is in the Air

I wish I was talking about the temperature outside!

I'm actually talking about life in general. Next Sunday is my last day to teach at church, other than the occasional substituting. I made the decision that I do not have time to plan out lessons beyond what I am already having to do for home-schooling. Our local home school co-op starts up in a couple of weeks and there I will be teaching intermediate and high school classes that of course will take quite a bit of time to plan for. Alex is also starting his 1st grade year, and we have a whole lot more to cover than we did last year. I also have plans to start Nathan on some Kindergarten level work, even though he is not old enough for public school Kindergarten.

I am looking forward to all of these things, but it's going to mean some big changes around here. The original plan had been to continue our schooling all summer by simply reviewing once the actual curriculum was completed. But with such a busy summer, we have not held to that too well. And, as I stated in a previous post, it's been way too easy to just leave the TV on all day and work around the new house. So this more leisure way of life is about to change. There will be no more television. There will be no more sleeping in until 7am. There will be no more relaxful "coffee-sipping time" and there will be no more hanging out in our pajamas for half the day. Okay, did I just admit that?!?

Seriously, we will have to get a lot more disciplined with our time. But I am looking forward to it. I think we have a lot of fun things planned out for this year, and I'm anxious to get started! Look for my post about our curriculum choices for this year - coming soon!!!

1 comment:

Celeste Creates said...

Good luck dear friend. I know you can do it.