Monday, August 04, 2008

Getting Ready

For Edouard, that is.

This morning my wonderful mom went to the store and picked up supplies for not only her household, but mine and my sister's as well. We are now well supplied with water, food, and batteries.

Bill came home early today and has been working to prepare the outside of our house. Since this is a "new" house, we don't quite know what to expect. We have learned that it's common for our neighborhood to lose power, so we're expecting that. And we know that one side of our yard doesn't drain well, which is why my sweet husband spent hours this afternoon digging a trench to help drain water towards the street. He's also brought in or secured down any loose items outside, caulked a few cracks in our gutters and helped a neighbor down the street trim a large, unstable branch from their tree. Impressive, isn't he? :)

I'm not overly concerned since I know that this is only a tropical storm and not even a terribly big one. But of course, you never know what can happen and it's always better to be safe than sorry. A prayer or two wouldn't hurt, either!

1 comment:

Crafty Mom said...

We'll be praying for you guys over here. On the upside, we all have enough friends that if anyone loses power, friends with the possibility of power are just a phone call and short drive away.

I am planning to try to sleep through as much of the storm as possible.