Thursday, March 29, 2007

Trip to the Dentist

Today Amy went to the dentist for the first time. It seemed odd 6 months ago when they asked me how old she was and recommended I make an appointment for her at the same time as the boys' next appt. I figured they knew better than I did when she needed to start getting checked, so I made her an appt., too. I think Amy knew right off it was not a place she wanted to be. The dentist shut the door behind us as we entered the small room and Amy immediately wrapped one arm around my neck and waved the other one at the door as she cried, "Go, Go, Go, Go!". She did NOT want to be in that room. She was less than cooperative while her teeth were checked, but once they handed her a new toothbrush, small stuffed penguin and bag full of stickers, she had a change of heart. She was happy the remainder of the appointment.

The boys did great and all three were commended on their teeth... and Mom was given the wonderful news that all three have mouths too small for their teeth and braces were certainly in their future. I guess it's time to start saving!!!

1 comment:

Crafty Mom said...

Amy is one smart girl. Katie has the same philosophy still and she is 5. I don't even tell here where we are going until we get to the building. She looks at it and goes "Is this for me??" in a panic stricken voice. Yet, she always does marvelously, and smiles in the end. Good thing dentists give good parting gifts!!!