Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I Try

After reading my dear friend's blog about her productive day, I decided to post about my attempt at a productive day. We did manage to eat our breakfast and complete our homeschool lesson by 9:00 am this morning. Sadly, we were still all in our pajamas through it all. And afterwards we went upstairs and I tried to do some badly needed organization in my bedroom. But the kids were less than cooperative and my attempt failed. We did eventually get dressed and went back downstairs for a little while; I took care of some work I needed to do at the computer while the kids played. We then had our lunch and I got Alex off to school. I tried to work upstairs some more after Nathan went down for his nap. I did actually make some progress, though it was slow going because my helper wasn't exactly helping. Amy had a lot of fun destroying the nice sorted piles I'd made of paperwork, etc. It was a two steps forward, one step back process. At least something was getting accomplished! Now Alex is home from school and we find ourselves downstairs once again. In a little bit we'll head back up and I'll see what I can do. I find that organizing my house is a slow process, but I'll just keep taking every opportunity I can to get it the way I want it. I'm sure I'll get there eventually!

1 comment:

Celeste Creates said...

Yep, organizing can be quite a battle with little helpers unorganizing!

Nicole always says that Daddy is outside unorganizing the garage!

I think anything worked at with diligence is productivity and accomplishment.

We try! That's all we can do is try.