Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ten Random Facts MeMe

I have been tagged by Celeste to do this, and I have spent the last couple days trying to figure out what in the world I would say. So number one was easy...

Ten Random Facts About Me:

1. I am extremely indecisive. If I'm out shopping for something I prefer to go with the first thing that works. I don't care if there might be something better out there. I'd rather not have anything to choose between. If a choice has to be made, I try to leave it to someone else. I think it drives my husband crazy. :)

2. I babysat for an astronaut when I was in high school and decided to become one someday... I was also going to get my pilot's license (I even passed the ground school part).

3. I have a terrible fear of heights, so there went the whole pilot thing. And obviously, I never became an astronaut. That's also because...

4. I am painfully shy (I can fully relate, Melissa!). In school, I can remember peeling off the wood around the lead of my pencil to avoid having to get up and cross the room to sharpen it. I really don't like drawing attention to myself!

5. Many people already know this, but my husband and I met while looking at moon rocks at NASA Johnson Space Center.

6. I love Starbuck's coffee. It's an expensive habit I absolutely must break!

7. I also love fresh baked bread and have often thought about how fun it would be to open a German-style bakery (minus the bees)... maybe joined with a Starbucks. :)

8. I share Celeste's passion for antiques as well. I'm so glad Bill also likes antiques because we have spent many anniversaries antiquing.

9. I have this longing to live in the country and take care of farm animals... Or at least, horses.

10. I used to play Dungeons & Dragons with my brother. We weren't weird about it (no dressing up or taking on new names). I guess because we both liked fantasy books and movies (e.g. Clash of the Titans). But I don't think my brother enjoyed playing with me so much; I was always a sore loser.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Great meme!

I laughed when I read number 1...I am also VERY indecisive but I actually do the exact opposite of you! If I find something I like, invariably I will think, "But what if there's something BETTER that I just haven't found yet?" I KNOW it drives my husband crazy!