Thursday, May 24, 2007

Almost Made It

Yesterday was the last day of school and I thought we were in the clear. No more sickness for awhile. Of course, there is still church functions and park play and playareas at the fast food restaurants where any of my children can pick up an illness - and chances are they will. But it just seems that most of what we've had, Alex has brought home from school. And though there are many places where he could have contracted this latest bug, public school still tops my accusation list.

So here we are, first day of summer vacation, at home. What was supposed to be a day of fun activities - library, lunch and play with Granny and Paw-Paw and finally a friend's birthday party - has turned into a day at home battling the stomach bug.

Please send prayers our way for a quick recovery for poor Alex and for all other family members to remain well!

1 comment:

Crafty Mom said...

We just cleared the stomach bug with just one casualty, Nicholas. It lasted about 5 days, but it was like day and night once he was better.

I know how you feel. My stomach always gets upset whenever one of the kids gets sick, because I am worried about the next one to fall. This time around, I hope we are in the clear, and hopefully you will only have Alex too.

You'll be in our prayers.