Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Always the procrastinator

Throughout my life, I have always been a procrastinator. I don't know why - it's just how I do things. It's often made for one long, very stressful night, but I'd always get the job done. College, in particular, holds many memories of all-nighters spent finishing papers or assigned homework. You'd think a person would learn, but sometimes I think maybe that's how I work best. Under pressure.

Last week, Celeste posted about our latest craft evening. She mentioned my test crayon bag, a pattern I bought to make for my Sunday school students when they are promoted this fall. I recently decided it would make a great gift for each of the students in Alex's preshool class, as well. I took my time buying the fabric for the bags, still uncertain if I'd follow through with the plan. But then I just decided - why not?! This was just a couple days before I needed to have them completed. All eight of them! Monday was spent purchasing everything I'd need and then Tuesday was the day I planned to sew. And sew I did. All night. But thankfully Celeste came over and stayed past midnight working on a couple projects of her own, including the most precious coasters (I'll leave the details for her to post :) ). So I had someone to keep me company for part of the time and the rest of it flew by as I worked and worked until all eight bags were completed. Aside from a few design quirks, I think they turned out kind of cute. And though, once again, I managed to complete the task I set out to do, it's possible I may be getting a little too old for the all-nighter. ;)


Melissa said...

Oh, my goodness! Those are SO CUTE! What I wouldn't give to be able to come over and enjoy a craft night with you and Celeste! ;) (But then, nothing I would make could ever compare with those bags!) I am very impressed. Great job!

Amy Parris said...

Yes indeed. Very cute. Now...if I could just get the kids to carry them!