Monday, August 27, 2007

Another First

Not only is this the first official day of homeschool, but it also marks the first time Amy used the potty!!! Yes, this morning she woke up with her diaper dry, the norm now for quite some time, actually. So I asked her if she'd like to go use the potty. She said yes, and after only a minute of sitting there, she successfully went. I was so proud of her! I guess I need to go buy her some pull ups so she can use it when she wants to (she does ask from time to time). Good job, Amy!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yay, Amy!!! What a big girl! I love this picture of her, she looks so proud!

I keep thinking Meghan might be ready soon; she HATES having her diaper on and is always taking it off when I'm not looking...and then I (or one of the big kids) will usually find a little puddle. ;)

I've tried sitting her on the potty a couple of times in the morning, too, but so far--no luck. Maybe I'll just have to work at it some more!