Monday, August 27, 2007

Today's The Day!

Here we are! The kids are not up yet and all is quiet except for the sound of my typing and the dryer working hard in the background. But soon things will get hopping. There will be children to be dressed and fed and finally - schooled!!! I can't believe we start today. I've been planning for it all summer and now that it's here - I'm not so sure I'm ready! But our lesson is planned and our workbooks are at the ready. I think there will always be that feeling that I should have prepared more. But I do think we're ready. I think Alex will be excited to start this morning and I can't wait to see how it all goes. I pray to God for patience above all things, but also for the ability to keep on track while still keeping it FUN for everybody! I've had many doubts about my ability to teach Alex this year - today I'm ready to prove that I can do it! Wish me luck (and a prayer or two wouldn't hurt :) )!


Crafty Mom said...


I hope everything goes smoothly for you, and you enjoy your first day of school!

Melissa said...

Well, I WOULD wish you luck...but I don't think you'll need it! I know you'll do great, and you guys are going to have so much fun! I'm so excited for you! Please keep us posted on how the first day goes! We're starting next Tuesday and I am so nervous. I could use the encouragement! ;)