Monday, September 17, 2007

Afternoon with Daddy

Bill loves to collect. He collects old cameras, coins, rocks, stamps, arrow heads, hiking equipment, backpacks.... okay, maybe I'm being just a tad sarcastic with a couple of those, but he does love to collect! And on Saturday, he and Celeste's husband Brian (and their son Jacob) went to a stamp show. Bill said he saw many children there who were enjoying picking out free stamps and he thought he might like to share his love for stamp collecting with his own kids. So Sunday after church and lunch, he bravely took all three kids back to the stamp show. I must say, they really did have fun. I don't think Amy got all that into it, but Nathan and Alex each collected quite a lot of neat stamps, and they even each won a door prize! I think Bill is just excited that they showed some interest in one of his hobbies. Of course, Nathan is already collecting rocks everywhere he goes... and he has a love for coins (money), too. I think that one is going to be just like his daddy!

And did I mention that when they got home from the stamp show, Bill took all three outside to play until dinnertime??? They had such a great time with their dad and I was able to finally tend to my own collection: laundry.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh, how fun! My husband, too, has a number of interests and collections, primarily minerals and stamps! Dylan has picked up on these interests and Darren loves to help him with his own "collection"...which at this point is just really old duplictes of Darren's, but Dylan is none the wiser! I hope it's something they'll be able to share and enjoy together as Dylan grows up!

I think it's wonderful that your husband took such care to introduce your kids to a hobby that he loves. How special for them...and him! They are very lucky!

P.S. I'm so sorry to hear that Amy has been so out of sorts. That is always so heartbreaking! I hope that she is feeling much better today, and that you all get some much needed rest! I certainly will say a few prayers for you today!