Thursday, September 06, 2007

I Hungry

These are Amy's favorite words. There was a time when she'd say them and really mean it. But now... Well, I'm pretty sure she says them more out of habit. These are the words of choice first thing in the morning (which might be a more truthful occurence), directly after breakfast, several times througout the morning, before lunch, right after lunch, all afternoon, before dinner, just after dinner and then - my favorite - just as we climb into bed each night. I promise I really do feed her!!!

1 comment:

Crafty Mom said...

Nicholas say "I'm hungry mama" Just like the dog in 101 Dalmatians. "I'm hungry mother, really I am". While it is cute the first time, after a while you want to take all the food in the house and just throw it at him. I am guessing his was a growth spurt because he truly was hungry, and it finally died down after about 2 weeks. At least yours hasn't gone rice krispieing downstairs by herself yet!

And congrats on 2 wonderful weeks down. Sounds like you're doing great!!

Tell Celeste to pass me your e-mail. I had some other info for you that I don't want public.