Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pretend Play

One of my favorite things about being home with the kids all day is listening to them while they play. This afternoon they were pretending... As I listened in, I was able to determine that Alex was pretending to be Cheryl (my sister-in-law) and Nathan was pretending to be Bill (my husband). Alex asked me if I liked his "dress" and Nathan created suspender looking straps for his attire (no, Bill does not wear suspenders). They were too funny. When they informed me they were going to work, I asked Alex where he worked and he said PBS. Then I asked Nathan where he worked and he promptly replied IDEA (not sure if that is how he'd spell it, but it's the best I can do). When I asked him where IDEA is, he astutely replied, "It's where I work." I just love the way their little minds think!

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