Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Learning Incentive?

Not too long ago I mentioned in a post about Alex wanting to incorporate superheroes into our lessons. He had found a way by making his own story book combining The Story about Ping and one of his favorite superheroes, Batman. But it made me realize that I needed to find a way to use Alex's interest in superheroes to encourage him in our lessons. So I did a little research online... I came across a book called Superhero ABC. It only took a few days to consider, and then I ordered it. The book arrived yesterday and I must say, it was a hit! With any luck, it will help Alex to recognize his letters better. And if anything, I realize I found a book that Alex will no doubt enjoy - even if it's just looking at the pictures!

*** Some of the pictures are a tad gross, however. Just a warning for anyone who might consider ordering this for their own superhero fan! ***

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