Monday, September 17, 2007

Prayers for a Good Day

Prayers would be appreciated today. Amy has been showing some cold symptoms over the past few days, though I thought it might just be the weather or perhaps a result of more frequent crying episodes. But then last night she was sniffling so much I went ahead and gave her some cold medicine. She was very pleasant while we read books and happy when we turned off the light to go to bed, though perhaps a tad hyper. Bill told me to go on downstairs and he'd continue to stay with Amy until she fell asleep. Normally, I wouldn't accept this offer as it hardly seems fair (Amy sometimes doesn't go to sleep for a good 45 minutes to an hour). But I did have more laundry to tend to and lesson plans to make. So I went on down. Amy did finally fall asleep at about 9:30, but less than an hour later she woke again... and that was basically the end of our night. We spent the rest of the evening walking Amy around and trying to get her to stop crying. She complained that her mouth hurt and she complained that she was hungry and that she wanted to go downstairs. It was really odd and nothing we'd ever experienced with her before. Stating she's hungry is a habit of hers, though we did take her downstairs to find her something to eat. In the end, however, that didn't appear to be what she wanted because our efforts just upset her more. Bill was able to get her to fall asleep if he walked her around, but she'd wake each time he'd try to put her down in the bed. I was having a really hard time, too, because I'd taken some Benodryl for my own cold-like symptoms and felt too tired to function as the night progressed. She did eventually stay asleep sometime after midnight, but she woke many other times througout the night and would cry for awhile.

This morning she woke up happy and is currently eating her breakfast. I don't know exactly what was going on last night, but I felt so helpless. It was horrible knowing that something was making her that upset, but I had no way of knowing what it was or how to treat it. Of course, I am so tired this morning that I plan to keep homeschooling short and sweet and we'll take our time doing it! I was thankful when Alex's speech therapist called this morning and canceled our morning session - no doubt a blessing under the circumstances. Now we can stay in today and rest!

Please pray for Amy - that she is over whatever she was experiencing last night and that she has a calm day of rest and a good night's sleep tonight. And please pray for me that I will not become overwhelmed by the tasks of the day and that I will be able to maintain a peaceful home despite being sleep deprived.


Celeste Creates said...

I am praying. Call me when you have time and let me know how everything is going.

Crafty Mom said...

You may want to have her ears checked. After 9 months of continuous ear infections with Nicholas I learned to recognize symptoms pretty quick. Kids can have absolutely no trouble during the day, but when they go to lie down at naps or nighttime, their ears hurt. We had one of those nights with him, and it was indeed an ear infection.

Hope Amy is feeling better! Nothing worse than a sick mother with a non-sleeping child.